Firefighters petting rescued dogs outdoors
As Canadian firefighting crews are stepping up to help Los Angeles battle devastating wildfires, ensure you and your pet are ready for weather-related emergencies.
Golden retriever dog eating from bowl at home
Curious about trying an elimination diet for your dog or cat? Pets Plus Us explores how this feeding plan can help identify food intolerances in your pet.
A cute labrador puppy lies on the floor playing with a colourful rope toy
Discover tips from Pets Plus Us Pet Insurance on budgeting for your puppy's first year and how pet insurance can help protect against unexpected vet bills.
White dog with collar looking at the veterinarian
Pets Plus Us explores what pre-existing conditions are and how they may factor into your pet insurance coverage options.
Woman jogging in the snow with her dog on a leash
Help your pet enjoy the holiday season without the extra pounds. Dive into a veterinarian’s guide on winter weight gain in pets from Pets Plus Us.
Massage therapy by a pet specialist, for an injury.
Understanding the early signs of osteoarthritis in dogs and cats is crucial to proper management. Dive into symptoms, diagnostics, and treatments with Pets Plus Us.