Keeping Your Pet Comfortable Year-Round: Tips and Tricks for Every Season

Tabby cat and malamute puppy sleep under a blanket

As pet parents, ensuring our cats’ and dogs’ well-being is a priority 365 days a year. From the sweltering heat of summer to the chilliest days of winter, here's your guide to keeping your pet comfortable and happy from season to season.

Autumn: Preparing for the chill

As the leaves turn and the air grows crisper, it's time to ensure your furry companions are cozy during the fall season. Let’s review a few tips and tricks for keeping your pets happy through all of autumn’s changes.

  • Joint care: Cooler weather can exacerbate any joint issues your pet has. Consider supplements to support their joint health.
  • Cozy upgrades: Invest in warmer bedding, sweaters, and jackets to keep them cozy, especially in the early morning and after sunset.
  • Grooming time: If your pet sheds seasonally, they’ll likely spend a few weeks each Spring and Fall shedding in advance of the coming change in temperatures. Keep up with their grooming not only for their benefit but for yours, too.

Winter: Ensuring warmth and comfort

Winter's arrival may bring snow and frost, but it also offers opportunities for heartwarming moments with your pets. Here’s how to create a warm, safe reprieve for your pets amid cold temperatures.

Indoor comfort

  • Heated beds: Consider investing in heated beds for added warmth. Just make sure to keep an eye on them to make sure they’re not getting too hot. As a precaution, consider the mobility restrictions that younger or older pets may have and any pets taking sedatives or behaviour medications. These factors could lead to burns when using heated beds. When in doubt, consult your vet.
  • Humidifiers: Use humidifiers to prevent dry skin and irritation, especially if your heating system makes the air dryer than it already is.

Outdoor safety

  • Winter gear: Equip your pet with cool weather gear like boots and sweaters to keep them warm from tail to nose on every outdoor walk.
  • Paw care: Protect their paws from salt and ice with pet-safe paw balm, which can help moisturize and repair the damage that cold weather conditions can cause. Learn how to make DIY paw balm at home with our YouTube tutorial!

Below-freezing potty breaks

  • Quick and efficient: Aim to make potty breaks short in freezing temperatures to prevent prolonged exposure to the cold.
  • Clear a path: If possible, clear a small area of snow from your home’s entrance to a suitable area of grass, making it easier for your dog to find a good spot.
  • Warm-up spot: Once back inside, ensure your dog is thoroughly dried and warmed up, paying special attention to their paws and underbelly. Keep towels and a mat by the door to catch anything they track inside.

Spring: A fresh start, rain or shine

With the arrival of spring, nature awakens, and so do your pets' spirits. In this section, we'll guide you through the steps to make the most of the season of regrowth with your furry friends. From outdoor adventures to freshening up their spaces, get ready to celebrate springtime together.

Spring into action

  • Adjusting to warmer temperatures: Make this a gradual transition. Slowly increase your pet's time outdoors to get them accustomed to the warmer weather, as they may overexert themselves on those first few hot days.
  • Grooming: Ensure regular grooming to prevent matting and to keep their coat healthy, as this is another common time for pets to shed ahead of warm weather.
  • Allergy management: Spring is allergy season for pets, too. Keep an eye on any signs of allergies in your pet and consult with a vet for appropriate treatments.
  • Beware of toxic plants: Spring is all about new growth, including flowers and plants that might be toxic to pets. Ensure your garden is pet-friendly, and keep an eye on curious noses exploring new blooms around the neighborhood.

Summer: Embracing the heat

Summer invites outdoor adventures and lazy days in the sun, but it can also pose challenges for your pets' comfort and safety. Join us in exploring ways to keep your four-legged companions cool, happy, and healthy throughout the hottest season of the year.

Cool for the summer

  • Hydration: Always keep fresh water available to prevent dehydration.
  • Cooling mats: Invest in cooling mats to help your pet beat the heat indoors.
  • Natural coats: While trimming your dog's coat short might seem logical to keep them cool during summer, it's not always the best choice. Certain breeds have coats that provide insulation from the heat. Instead of a drastic trim, consider light grooming to remove loose fur and maintain their natural, protective coat.
  • Easy rider: When your pets come along for car rides, make sure cool air is circulating., and never leave them alone in a hot car for any period of time.

Play it safe outdoors

  • Morning and evening walks: Schedule longer walks during the cooler parts of the day and quick potty breaks when the sun is in full force.
  • Sunscreen: Yes, pets need protection too! Use pet-safe sunscreen to protect their skin.

Year-round peace of mind with Pets Plus Us

Our commitment to our pets' well-being doesn't fluctuate with the seasons — it's a year-round endeavor. Getting a pet insurance policy from Pets Plus Us is a great way to prepare for the unexpected and provide peace of mind regarding your pet's comfort and overall health, no matter what the calendar (or weather report) says.

Written by: Dylan M. Austin
Reviewed by: Dr. Jennifer Sperry, DVM