Can you feed your pets human food instead of pet food? Learn what human foods are safe to feed cats and dogs and the best way to share them with your pets.
Jack the pug started to have discharge from his eyes late one week. By the weekend, he was squinting and his eyes looked painful and swollen.
Simon was normally a laid-back, no-fuss cat. When he started going in and out of the litter box one morning, straining and crying, his family knew something was wrong. At first, his family members suspected that Simon was constipated but they soon realized he was only passing small dribbles of urine.
While you are making the decision on whether to spay or neuter your pet, consider the following benefits.
Left untreated, gingivitis will develop into periodontitis, which is a serious infection of the gums and bones that support teeth. Periodontal disease is linked with other serious systemic health issues, including heart disease, kidney failure and arthritis.
Dental disease is the most common health problem for cats and dogs. Learn about dental disease and how to prevent it here.