
1.  Tell us about yourself Edie?

How much time do you have? BOL! Well let’s see. I’m a black pug that just turned 5 in June. I’ve been living with my humans since I was just a pug puppy. I share my house with 2 cats – Lily, who just turned 13, and Lloyd who is 10. Even though I pretend not to like cats, I secretly do, (but you won’t share that with the other dogs, will you?) I love car rides, visiting new and exciting places, meeting new humans, snuggling with my humom, and sitting outside on my garden chair while watching the birds. I like reviewing new pet products and sharing my views on them. I don’t like rain, mud, squirrels in my yard, being called late for dinner or having my nails trimmed. Of course being a pug, if I didn’t mention I love treats then I wouldn’t be telling you everything.

2.  Who are some of your best friends?

Oh my, that’s a difficult question! Over the past few years I have met and made so many friends, both furry and human, but I have to say the 2 who are nearest and dearest to my heart are Maggie the Border Collie (@campbellru24) and my “big brother” Nemo, (@nemonewfie).

Woofing that, I must add that there is such a great support network between pets, pet parents and pet lovers on social media. There is always someone close by to offer support when a pet is not well, offer up a special barkday wish, or even offer woofs of advice on how to try to get out of having the dreaded bath!

3.  You have over 6K Twitter followers, 2K + Facebook fans, and many more blog subscribers, Instagram and Pinterest viewers.  What has been key to building such a big following?

Well I am what you would call a “very social pug.” I love humans, pets and animals of all kinds. I believe the key is to always be kind, have fun, woof with as many as you can, and share pictures, lots and lots of pictures, even if they are not always my best side. As they say, “a picture is worth a thousand woofs.”

4.  Why is social media so important for getting pet information out there?

Social Media is NOT JUST FOR HUMANS! Never underestimate the number (and power) of pugs like myself, or other dogs, cats, bunnies, horses, fish etc. that have their own Twitter and Facebook accounts.

The opportunity for pet parents and pet companies to share pet information on social media is unlimited! Pets and pet parents like to woof/meow/talk about products and events that are impawtant to them. Pet bloggers like myself, like to review and share opinions with my followers about these products.

BUT, even as a pug, I know it is very impawtant to be careful and always confirm with your veterinarian or specialist that what you are reading is accurate.

5.  What is “Wordless Wednesday” and what are some hashtags or topics dog lovers should follow?

Wordless Wednesday or #wordlesswednesday, is an opportunity to post something to your blog with very little woofs/words. I personally use this opportunity to have fun and share a picture of me doing something, going somewhere, or of a special occasion such as my barkday pictures.

There are so many hashtags to follow! #pug #pets #dogs #cats the list is endless!

Tuesday’s are #TongueOutTuesday – great opportunity for pugs to show off!

Wednesday is #WhiskersWednesday - now the majority seen here will be cats, but I’ve been known on occasion to crash it with my pug whiskers.

Thursday is #ThrowBackThursday – puppy and kitten pics galore!

Friday is #FF (FollowFriday) - this is an opportunity for you to give a shout out for your friends and let others know to follow them.

6.  What advice would you give for others looking to start pet blogging or use social media?

Social Media:

  • Have fun!
  • Be kind!
  • Connect and interact with furfriends and humans


  • Write what you’re passionate about
  • Include some fun and light-hearted topics
  • Connect with other bloggers for support

7.  What pet health questions or topics do you find your followers are especially interested in?

  • Puppy/kitten health
  • Senior pet issues
  • Allergies – seasonal/environmental/food

There are as many health topics as there are pets; each of us dogs/cats/pets comes with our own set of health issues. 

8.  Are there any specific pet topics that you think could use more awareness or education?

As you may or may not be aware, I have not always been a slim, trim, healthy pug. Yes, I have fought the battle of the pug rolls. Pets can make it very difficult for our humans to resist giving us treats or just a “little something extra” in our food dishes, but it has side effects that go well beyond the numbers on the scale.I woof about my weight journey on my blog and the struggles both my humom and I went through. It was all worth it as I am now healthier and more active than I’ve ever been. 

We need more education on pet weight issues and management, but just as impawtant, we need support for the pets and pet parents along the way!

9.  Are there any other Canadian pet blogs, resources, or friends you would recommend following?

I follow and support the Ontario SPCA (@OntarioSPCA). I believe it’s impawtant to give back and I do so by sharing on my blog and through social media, some of the many pets that are looking for their forever homes.

Dr. Ryan Llera (drryanllera.com) is another Canadian blog I follow. Dr. Llera is a veterinarian in Kingston, Ontario, he shares not only his medical views, but he shows the other side of being a vet – the personal side of owning, caring for and dealing with one of his pets that is fighting cancer.

I am always on the look out for pet blogs, and being a Canadian pug I am particularly interested in what Canadian pet bloggers have to say, so if you have a Canadian pet blog, I’d love to connect with you!

10.  What pet events can we find you at in the near future?

This August I will be on the road again with my friends from Royal Canin Canada. I will be tweeting and blogging about these events, where I will be woofing about my challenges, my successes, and my healthy weight loss journey.

I do love going to and, tweeting and blogging about pet events, so if you know of any that I’m missing out on, please let me know!

Source URL: https://www.petsplusus.com/pet-information/lifestyle/10-questions-furry-celebrity-miss-edie-pug