A Mini Guide To Keeping Your Dog Healthy

Female Veterinarian with a Yellow Lab Puppy

As your dog is a much-loved member of the family, you will likely want to care for their needs to ensure they remain by your side for as many years as possible.

Many factors can determine a dog’s health and happiness, such as their age, diet, exercise level, weight, and breed.

Like humans, a well-balanced diet and regular physical activity will protect a canine’s well-being throughout the years and increase their likelihood of living to a grand age.

Help your pet to live a long, happy, and full life by reading this mini guide to keeping your dog healthy.

Adapt to your dog’s age and weight

Your dog’s age and weight will determine their daily needs. As they grow older, you must adjust their diet, exercise plan, and routine to safeguard their happiness and health.

For instance, you must make it your mission to feed your canine nutritionally-balanced meals and snacks, which should be made from high-quality ingredients and suitable for their age.

As your dog ages, a vet may recommend introducing more fibre into their diet to prevent constipation and support their gastrointestinal health.

If you’re unsure if you have an old or young pet, compare dog years to human years to make smarter decisions when caring for their health and weight.

Understanding a canine’s aging process and ideal body condition could help you adjust their routine or meals to match their age and needs. You may need to adjust calorie intake to match exercise levels, or gradually introduce a senior dog food and healthy snacks.

Attend regular vet appointments

Routine vet appointments are essential once a dog enters their senior years. Regular examinations and lab testing could help a vet identify and treat a health issue in its early stages, which could speed up their recovery and extend their lifespan.

If a senior dog is in good health, visit a veterinary clinic every six months for a checkup.

However, you may need to attend more frequently for an exam and lab testing if a pooch has a health condition.

Also, you should regularly check a puppy or adult dog’s body for bumps and lumps between veterinary checkups. Don’t hesitate to visit a vet to report any changes you’ve noticed.

Understand your dog’s breed

All pet owners should learn about their dog’s breed to identify the health conditions they will be more susceptible to as they grow older.

For example, a Labrador retriever is prone to weight gain, which increases their risk of obesity and weight-related health problems. As a result, you could protect their health by increasing their daily physical activity and only serving calorie-conscious meals and snacks.

Also, pugs are more likely to develop eye problems due to their prominent eyes and short noses. For instance, they will have a greater risk of corneal ulcers, eye infections, dry eyes, or accidental injury.

If you understand the various health risks associated with a dog breed, you can make the appropriate adjustments to their lifestyle and will never hesitate to visit a vet when symptoms arise.

Talk to your vet about the health risks associated with your dog’s breed and the best steps to take to care for their health and well-being.

Article reviewed by: Dr. Jennifer Sperry, DVM
The information provided and contained herein are the opinions of PTZ Insurance Services Ltd. which are based on external publication. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinary advice. PTZ Insurance Services Ltd. assumes no responsibility or liability for any loss, claims or damages arising out of the within content.

Source URL: https://www.petsplusus.com/blog/pet-health-mini-guide